Welcome to my website

Hello, Dee here.
I am an Author, Psychic Medium, Numerologist, and Public Speaker.
My first words to be published was a short article about our school printed in The Melbourne Sun when I was 8 years old.
Then life took over and writing became a hobby.
During the years I have taught meditation, and numerology and demonstrated mediumship skills in public.
I use Numerology every day, it is fascinatingly accurate.
It is great for parents to understand the vibrations and talents of their children.
It can throw light on the type of career that makes you happiest.
Recently I have begun to get my words on paper and write a few books. This is opening up an exciting new area as I learn to become an “indie” author. I haven’t told you I was also an interstate semi-driver and teacher of 4WD adventures.
“Always share love”
DeeDee xx
Author, Psychic Medium, Numerologist Speaker.