Dee Gibson


Welcome to my website

Hello, Dee here.

I am an Author, Psychic Medium, Numerologist, and Public Speaker.
My first words to be published was a short article about our school printed in The Melbourne Sun when I was 8 years old.
Then life took over and writing became a hobby. During the years I have taught meditation, and numerology and demonstrated mediumship skills in public.
I use Numerology every day, it is fascinatingly accurate.
It is great for parents to understand the vibrations and talents of their children.
It can throw light on the type of career that makes you happiest.
Recently I have begun to get my words on paper and write a few books. This is opening up an exciting new area as I learn to become an “indie” author. I haven’t told you I was also an interstate semi-driver and teacher of 4WD adventures.

“Always share love”

DeeDee xx

Author, Psychic Medium, Numerologist Speaker.

Dee's latest book

Falling for Mr Love

"Hold onto your hats." If you want a laugh and spontaneous interaction jump aboard this Fun, Flirty, Rom Com. Elsie and best friend Bella roll into Flemington Racecourse, bringing dash of eccentricity and flair to the Melbourne Cup festivities. Elsie and Bella are neighbors who are changing lanes in life downsizing, to a Retirement Village. Elsie's larger-than-life personality creates mischief wherever she goes She's like a tornado in a meditation class. Elsie terrorizes the inmates, with her tall stories, and unwelcome quips.

Are Elsie and Bella searching for love? Have they been in jail? Should the other wives be worried?

Have you just seen

Have you just seen a recurring Number flashing at you? Is it on a clock, or a bus, or on T.V.? Are you surprised at how often it appears in front of you? The Universe is a Master Communicator…. and it wants to talk to you. It has many ways of letting you know it wants your attention. Numbers are just one of its subtle little tricks. This is a quick, simple, look-up guide to help you understand each of the messages sent to you through Numbers. It is fascinating to work out what your message is and look for its hiding spot in your life.

“The Universe is a Master Communicator… and
it wants to talk to you!”

Detective Caruthers solves cases

He’s not happy when a recruit has been assigned to work with him on a complex murder case. This murder has long tentacles, from Melbourne Australia to The Cayman Islands To solve this murder, one person must give up, every part of his life to bring the killer to the notice of the police.

Revenge isn’t just for LOVERS.
Revenge is for JUSTICE.

The Black Forest Hex

DID YOU KNOW THAT angels go to school? Well, they do. The BASIC ANGEL PROTOCOL COURSE is taught by everyone’s favorite Guardian Angel, Sage. But when Sage finds villains hiding in plain sight he realizes his nerdy new mentor Ralph is evil. Can Sage save the angels before THE BLACK FOREST HEX captures the whole class? Plots and ploys, spells and lies. Angel school should be fun, but EVIL lurks in Paradise.

Action-packed twist and turn book for 8-12 years.

Children's Book's

Clucky White Chook.

In Tarnagulla a real Australian bush town, we had names for our pet dogs, one was Paddy, and one was Rover. 
But there were never names for our chooks, we just called them chooks! “She’s clucky”, stated Mum. 
What? I said. 
“Don’t say what, say pardon ” Mum said sharply. 
“Clucky,” she said even louder 
I wasn’t deaf, I just didn’t know what clucky was. 
It took a day or so for me to find out what the clucky word meant. I asked a kid at school.

That's how I got a day off school.

A New Home For Jack

The Border Collie was running, around and around. In his tiny wire cell at the lost dog’s pound. The circles were small, he was bored all day. This certainly wasn’t where he wanted to stay. The new home he imagined, would be on a big farm. Chasing strayed sheep, he would bark the alarm. Dreaming of long-running until he was spent. Over gates and wire fences in one attempt. No need for a kennel, oh! No! not me! I will be happy, sleeping out under a tree

Will Jack find a new home? Or will he live at
the lost dog’s pound? Age 4 – 10

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